The materialization of an idea
Established in 2006, AquaSoil AquaSoil SrL is an engineering and management company of environmental integrated services, focused on R&S of processes and technologies for the treatment of contaminated matrices (Entered in the National Registry of Research "Arianna"). It managed the Fasano-Forcatella urban wastewater reuse plant of regional strategic interest from 2006 to 2022. Currently, it holds the concession for the distribution system of treated wastewater from the municipal wastewater treatment plant in Castellana Grotte for irrigation reuse.

Since 2009, the company has been involved in and continues to participate in research, development, and innovation projects such as:
POR PUGLIA 2007 - 2013 "Development of an integrated tertiary treatment process for the mitigation of the impact of abnormal loads and the environmentally friendly reuse of wastewater";
National Operational Programme (PON) Research and Competitiveness 2007-2013. PON IN.TE.R.R.A;
P.O. FESR Puglia 2007-2013 "Sustainable development of advanced systems of water treatment and reuse";
EU project AWARE
EU project intoDBP
EU project CASCADE